
The lactating mammary gland is critically dependent upon the provision of nutrients and hormonal stimuli from the blood to sustain milk synthesis. This is reflected in the high correlation between mammary arterial blood flow (F) and milk yield (MY). During established lactation in goats, frequent milking with oxytocin results in a higher blood flow to the mammary gland (Prosser and Davis, 1992). Conversely, MY and F decrease during both milk stasis (Stelwagen et al. 1994) and feed withdrawal (Davis and Collier, 1985). It has yet to be determined whether these decreases in the blood supply cause the decreases in MY or are as a result of a decrease in demand for blood by the secretory tissue.

VC, Farr, SR Davis, and CG Prosser

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 56, , 49-50, 1996
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