Volume 81, Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
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INVITED REVIEW: A review of the current sheep industry in New Zealand and opportunities for change to meet future challenges,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.1-15, (2021)
Seasonal variation in pasture mass offered was not associated with changes in live weight, or body condition score, in three cohorts of horses,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.16-21, (2021)
Impact of casein- versus whey-based lamb milk replacers on growth and health of artificially reared lambs,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.22-28, (2021)
Investigating the potential for global positioning satellite data to provide information on ewe behaviour around the time of lambing,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.29-34, (2021)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Investigating the pattern of lameness in dairy goats across the first two years of life,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.35-38, (2021)
Genome-wide association study of UV-protectant ambilateral circumocular pigmentation in Hereford cattle,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.39-44, (2021)
Live weight and bone growth from birth to 15 months of age in pure-bred and cross-bred Jersey and Friesian heifers,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.45-50, (2021)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Changes to cow behaviour when transitioning from twice a day to a 3-in-2 milking schedule,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.51-53, (2021)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Assessing the behaviour of pastoral poultry in an integrated system on a commercial dairy farm,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.54-56, (2021)
Temperament of hand-reared beef-cross-dairy cattle does not influence production traits,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.57-62, (2021)
Preliminary investigations into genetic variation in distance travelled by young sheep,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.63-67, (2021)
Grazing behaviour of young cattle around faecal pats,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.63-67, (2021)
Defecation behaviour reduces horse’s utilisation of pasture,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.74-80, (2021)
The effect of feeding fodder beet or kale during winter on growth and behaviour of rising-one-year-old dairy heifers,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.81-86, (2021)
An evaluation of the FeedSmart app for feed planning in a controlled nutrition study,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.87-92, (2021)
Can GreenFeed automated emissions monitoring systems measure methane output from young red deer grazing pasture?,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.93-98, (2021)
Effect of concurrent pregnancy on the persistency of lactation in dairy cows milked once a day,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.99-105, (2021)
Genomic evaluations of sheep in New Zealand,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.106-111, (2021)
Dominant mutation(s) for low fibre curvature in the wool of sheep,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.112-116, (2021)
Optimising a panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms for genomic prediction in New Zealand sheep,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.117-121, (2021)
Do cows with facial eczema feel pain?,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.122-128, (2021)
The effects of out-of-season breeding on plasma prolactin concentrations, wool production and lamb birth weight,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.129-135, (2021)
A comparison of the ewe reproductive performance of Romney ewes bred to Romney or Wiltshire rams and the growth of their progeny to weaning,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.136-140, (2021)
Impact of winter near-maintenance or non-restricted feeding on growth and intramuscular fat content of yearling rams,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.141-145, (2021)
Effects of alternative forages on nitrate leaching under intensive sheep grazing,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.146-152, (2021)
Genetic parameters for urination traits and their relationships with production traits of dairy cattle grazing temperate ryegrass and white-clover pastures,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.153-158, (2021)
Evaluation of existing equations to rank methane yields of sheep fed a range of fresh forages,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.159-163, (2021)
TECHNICAL NOTE: Emissions improbable: how inappropriate use of the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) can overestimate the emissions associated with dairy-production chains,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.164-167, (2021)
Volatile fatty acids (VFA) in rumen samples collected pre-feeding had a stronger relationship with methane emissions in lambs fed graded levels of forage rape than VFAs in post-feeding samples,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.168-172, (2021)
Sheep divergently selected for methane yield showed differences in meat fatty acid composition,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.173-178, (2021)
The fate of calves born on New Zealand dairy farms and dairy farmer attitudes towards producing dairy-beef calves,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.179-185, (2021)
Is there sire variation in seasonal liveweight gain of rising-yearling red deer?,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.186-189, (2021)
The effects of substituting autumn nitrogen fertiliser with gibberellic acid on feed supply and milk production,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.190-195, (2021)
Effect of farm system and milk urea phenotype on milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows in Canterbury,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 81, Online, p.196-200, (2021)