
Blood samples from 159 animals of known susceptibility to bloat were analysed for a range of proteins, minerals, acid base status, hormones and enzymes. Urine samples from the cows and heifers were analysed for minerals and osmolality. Each animal was sampled once only in a fed state. An increase in bloat breeding value of one unit (increasing susceptibility) was significantly associated (P<0.05) with a decrease in liveweight of 28 (±6) kg and increases in blood of 0.26 (±0.07) U/1 pepsinogen, 0.33 (±0.14) mmol/l urea, 29.5 (±11.3) nmol/1 Se, 4.9 (±1.2) mmol/l red blood cell K, 0.5 (±0.2) g/l beta globulin, and 13.9 (±6.1) pmol/l gastrin. The data suggest there may be some physiological or metabolic differences between high and low susceptible animals either arising during the selection and breeding programme or which contribute to the susceptibility mechanism.

VR, Carruthers, and CA Morris

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 54, , 289-292, 1994
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