
Calorimetry apparatus was used to measure CO2 production and oxygen consumption in 2 Romney and 2 Southdown ewes. Each pair consisted of a long-lean ewe and a short-fat ewe as determined from previous records of height, length, weight and ultrasonic back fat thickness. The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was calculated as the ratio of CO2 produced/d to O2 consumed/d. When the 4 ewes were fed, the RER remained about 1, characteristic of the oxidation of glucose and short chain fatty acids. When the ewes were fasted for 4 to 5 days the RER declined in a straight linear fashion with time. This is consistent with the mobilisation of long chain fatty acids. The ewes of fatter genotypes exhibited significantly steeper regressions of RER on time.

GC, Waghorn, and JE Wolff

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 44, , 193-200, 1984
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