
The effects of an extra 'flush' of pasture around mating v recommended pasture allowance levels for beef cows after calving through mating were compared in 1979 and 1980 on cows which had been fed to maintain live weight from 8 weeks prior to and up to calving. Cow live weight after calving was positively associated with increasing feed levels although the differences were small to non-significant by weaning. There were no reproductive responses to feeding better than the allowance of 10 kg DM/cow/d from calving to mating and 16 kg DM/cow/d thereafter to weaning. Cows fed 16 kg Dm/cow/d had a higher pregnancy rate (100 v 90%) than those fed 12 kg DM from calving to mating regardless of flushing treatment in 1979.; More reliable reductions in interval to first oestrus can probably be achieved by delaying calving date. Treatment had no effect on calf weight at weaning.

RG, Keogh, and JJ Lynch

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 42, , 73-76, 1982
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