
The production of Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses to race is a multi-million dollar industry in New Zealand. However, wastage studies have shown that as many as 50% of foals born fail to race (Wilsher et al. 2006; Jeffcott et al. 1982; Perkins et al. 2004a; Perkins et al. 2004b). Wastage, defined as losses that occur during the production of horses to race, is a major cause for concern in the racing industry and has both animal welfare and economic implications. Wastage may be caused by several factors including lack of ability, physical injury or financial decision by owners and can occur at any stage from conception through to competing at the races. ... continued

JV, Tanner, CW Rogers, CF Bolwell, and EK Gee

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 72, Christchurch, 172-174, 2012
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