Data were obtained from the New Zealand Thoroughbred studbook and the online sales results for the 2004 National Yearling Sales Series. Across the three sales categories, 477, 523, and 354 yearlings were offered at the Premier, Select and Festival sales, respectively. There were significant differences in the representation of yearlings across the three sales categories based on: sire service fee, vendor category, purchaser country of origin, and dam age. There were fewer fillies catalogued in the Festival sale compared to Select or Premier sales (P <0.05). Within the general linear model, auction price (log10) was significantly influenced by sales category: Premier ($71,285, 95% Confidence interval (CI), $61,801-$82,224), Select ($24,831, 95% CI, $22,233-$27,733) and Festival ($9,462, 95% CI, $8,072-$11,091, P <0.001). Sales price (log10) was also significantly influences by sire service fee, vendor category, purchaser country of origin, and mare age. Colts sold for more than fillies ($29,040, 95% CI, $26,668-$31,695 vs. $22,542, 95% CI, $20,370-$24,945, P <0.001) across all sales categories with an interaction of sales category and gender (P = 0.003). These results indicate that in order to optimize gross returns, vendors require colts that are marketed through the Premier sale, from older established broodmares, with a pedigree that appeals to Australian buyers.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 71, Invercargill, 92-95, 2011
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