A two stage selection index model was developed to assess the cost effectiveness of using genomic technologies to assist in selection decisions for retention of ram lambs for breeding within a ram breeder flock. The principle of two stage selection is that many of the benefits of an expensive, but more accurate, measure of genetic merit can be captured while drastically reducing measurement costs. This paper describes the two stage model used, and some of the potential benefits of testing the top 6–50% of selection candidates ranked according to estimated breeding values, prior to ranking on a combined score using genomic breeding values. The model assumes a hypothetical panel of markers and trait predictive accuracies to explore the benefits of selection using both types of breeding values. The value of genetic progress is assessed using selection index theory to predict trait changes according to a selection index recently revised for implementation as the recommended index for dual purpose sheep in New Zealand. Results suggest that maximum benefits were obtained when the top 10-20% of selection candidates were tested, with the level of benefits dependent on both the prediction accuracy and price of the test.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 71, Invercargill, 266-269, 2011
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