Using retrospective racing and breeding records the hypothesis was tested that in the last two generations there has been a significant increase in the proportion of race tested fillies entering breeding. During the 1998/99 breeding season there were 146 sires at stud, 92 had a Low cost service fee (<$5,000), 28 had a Medium cost service fee ($5,001-$10,000), 9 had an Expensive cost service fee (>$10,000) and 17 were Shuttle stallions. Of the 6,768 mares covered 46% were covered by Low cost, 22% by Medium cost, 12% by Expensive cost and 19% by Shuttle stallions. Three stallions from each of these four service fee categories were randomly selected and the opportunity for the female progeny sired by these stallions to enter yearling sales, race and enter the broodmare herd were examined. Significantly more 1999 born female progeny by Expensive (37%) and Shuttle stallions (34%) were presented for sale than those by Medium (1%) and Low cost sires (0%), and were more likely to race (85% and 82%) than those by Medium or Low cost sires (64% and 50%). Female progeny born in 1999 by Expensive sires were more likely to enter breeding (80%) than those by Shuttle (49%), Medium (43%) or Low cost sires (25%). The proportion of broodmares with race records decreased with each retrospective generation.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 71, Invercargill, 122-125, 2011
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