
The Biosecurity (Animal Identifications Systems) Regulations 1999 oblige the owners of cattle and deer to use an identification (ID) system, that has been approved under those regulations, when moving cattle or deer aged over 30 days of age. The use of such an identification system is required for the purposes of the National Bovine Tuberculosis Pest Management Strategy (NBTPMS). It involves the permanent unique identification of cattle and deer to the herd from which they are first moved after 30 days of age. The ID technology currently employed consists of optically read ear-tags. Two approved ID systems are currently in place. One is operated by the Animal Health Board (AHB system) and is mostly used by beef and deer farmers. The Livestock Improvement Corporation provides a system (the LIC MINDA system) that has many additional identification functions required within the dairy industry. KEYWORDS: deer; cattle; identification; movement; disease control.

N, Hancox

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 65, Christchurch, 85-87, 2005
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