Responses to supplementary feeding overseas (OS) and New Zealand (NZ) Holstein-Friesian (HF) cows were investigated over two years using 57 cows receiving a high pasture allowance and 0, 3 or 6 kg concentrate DM/cow/day. Cows of similar Breeding Worth ($BW) grazed as a single herd and were individually fed a grain-based supplement. Important production genotype x diet interactions of a scaling nature were detected. Across all supplementation levels, OS cows gave a greater (P < 0.05) linear production response than NZ cows (74 vs 37 g MS/kg concentrate DM; 1.22 vs 0.67 kg milk/kg concentrate DM consumed, respectively), but gave a similar response in live weight and condition score gain during lactation per kg of concentrate DM consumed. However, because OS HF appeared to have a larger relative feed deficit than NZ HF when fed ad libitum on pasture, OS HF maintained a lower body condition score throughout lactation and produced less milksolids (as a % of live weight). Current supplementary feeding decision rules which recommend reducing supplementary feed use when abundant pasture is available remain appropriate for high $BW NZ HF cows. However, reasonable responses to high-energy supplements will continue to be obtained from high $BW OS HF cows, even when pasture supply appears adequate to meet cow requirements. Use of indicators of relative feed deficit such as milksolids as a % of live weight and body condition score, may be a better guide to predicting the production response to supplementation, rather than decision rules based on genotype. KEYWORDS: Holstein-Friesian; genotype; supplements.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 65, Christchurch, 46-52, 2005
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