
Bovine sperm was inactivated by centrifuging twice through a 7% Ficoll solution. The inactivated sperm could be reactivated for periods up to 10 days with B.S.A., egg yolk, seminal plasma and milk. To test the effect of inactivation on fertility semen was either (1) immediately diluted in Caprogen + 5% egg yolk; or (2) twice centrifuged and then diluted as above; or (3) twice centrifuged, stored in an inactivated condition for 60 h and then diluted as above. Cows were inseminated 72 h after collection of semen. Fertility following insemination was (1) 74.3%; (2) 72.5%; (3) 54.2%. Storage of sperm in the inactivated condition reduced fertility (P<0.01).

HR, Tervit, JF Smith, PG Goold, KR Jones, and JJD Vandien

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 42, , 83-86, 1982
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