
Animal production was measured in a grazing experiment on North Island hill country from 1975 to 1981. Two grazing managements, set stocked and rotationally grazed sheep, were compared at 'maintenance' fertiliser (LF) and 'high' fertiliser (HF). Stocking rate increased from 6.3 to 11.3 ewes/ha and 7.3 to 15.1 ewes/ha on LF and HF respectively with no decline in per animal production. HF gave 30% more wool/ha and 36% more weaned lamb weight/ha as a results of the increased stocking rate. There were no fertiliser x management interactions. Management effects were inconclusive. At lower stocking rates set stocking increased ewe mating live weight, increased lambing percentage, increased lamb weaning live weight and hence increased weaned lamb weight/ha. However, at the highest stocking rate rotationally grazed ewes lost less live weight in late pregnancy and had higher lamb weight/ha.

NR, Towers

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 42, , 167-168, 1982
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