
The effect of feed allowance (approximately 150 and 250 g green DM/kg live weight 0.75/d) and season (sampling at 12-week intervals) on objectively measured wool characteristics of Cheviot, Drysdale and Romney hoggets was examined. Improved feeding increased wool growth rate, fibre diameter and brightness. Feeding level did not affect fibre diameter variation, loose wool bulk or yellowness. Wool grew faster and was coarser during summer than during winter. Fibre diameter variation for the Cheviot and Romney was greatest in winter and least for the Drysdale in summer. There was no defined seasonal cycle for loose wool bulk. Colour indices were related to prevailing weather conditions. Maximum and minimum values for each characteristic were strongly correlated for fibre diameter and fibre diameter variation, weakly correlated for loose wool bulk and not consistently related for wool growth rate and colour indices.

SR, Davis, GA Hughson, and AM Bryant

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 43, , 71-72, 1983
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