Four antioxidants - butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hyroxyanisole (BHA), alpha-tocopherol and propyl gallate - have been tested for their ability to ameliorate the harmful effects of the facial eczema toxin, sporidesmin, in sheep. A moderate decrease in sporidesmin-induced liver damage (39% and 35% respectively, based on gross pathological assessment of liver injury) was observed in sheep pre-treated with BHT and BHA; smaller effects were recorded in animals receiving the other compounds. The possibility of an additive effect between antioxidants and zinc has also been investigated. It was shown that marked protection against sporidesmin toxicity, significantly greater than that given by either prophylactic alone, was afforded by simultaneous administration of BHT and zinc.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 43, , 201-204, 1983
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