
At least 6 different species of animals are currently being exported from New Zealand, horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry. Of theses only horses, cattle and sheep are of economic significance. Although the volume and value of livestock exports has increased dramatically in percentage terms over recent years, returns from total livestock exports still amount to less than 1% of total exports. It is anticipated that dairy cattle exports in particular could continue to increase in geometric terms. Scope also exists for increased exports of other species but they will be subject to more constraints. While livestock exports are useful in a national economic sense and are important to individuals, companies and some geographic areas, it is unlikely that they will amount to any national economic significance in the foreseeable future. It is unlikely that livestock exports will adversely affect overseas markets for New Zealand animal products. Rather, the resulting expansion in local production is likely to stimulate consumption, leading to consumer pressure to increase imports to satisfy this demand.

JE, Dawson

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 43, , 147-150, 1983
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