Much of the non-arable area of South Korea is suited to the establishment of permanent improved pasture. In 1974 the New Zealand Government began a co-operative project to establish a pasture based beef cattle farm on 354 ha in the alpine region of South Korea. Two hundred Hereford and Angus breeding stock were sent from New Zealand to form the foundation herd for the project. The pr9oject's extension programme included 25 private farms. Permanent pastures comprising perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy, white and alsike clovers were successfully established following the fencing and mobstocking of scrub with the application of fertiliser. New Zealand cattle showed superior growth rates to native cattle in the temperate climate. No major disease problems were encountered. Continuous grazing during the 6 months of pasture growth and the conservation of surplus pasture as hay or silage for winter provided adequate nutrition for the spring calving herd.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 43, , 155-158, 1983
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