
Growth rates of Sahiwal-cross (S x F) and Friesian (F) bulls were compared in 2 experiments. In the first, 40 F and 38 S x F bulls were slaughtered at a carcass weight of about 230 kg and the left side of each carcass was jointed and dissected into meat, fat and bone. The 2 breed groups were grazed at equal levels of pasture allowance from 17 weeks of age when F calves (124 kg) were 30 kg heavier than S X F. After 17 weeks of age, F bulls gained live weight and carcass weight faster than S X F and were slaughtered 9 weeks earlier. Mean weights of carcass, of carcass corrected for live weight and of fore- and hindquarters, were the same for the 2 breeds. However, S x F carcasses had more meat (72% v 71%), more fat (8% v 6%), less bone (20% v 22%) and consequently a higher meat:bone ratio (3.55 v 3.18) than F carcasses of the same weight. In the second experiment 24 F and 24 S-cross bull calves were grazed as 1 mob from 20 weeks of age when both breeds had a mean live weight of 96 kg. From then until 55 weeks of age F and S-cross bulls grew at similar rates (0.59 and 0.56 kg/d respectively). From 55 to 67 weeks, F bulls grew slightly faster (1.26 and 1.18 kg/d respectively).

AR, Quartermain

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 43, , 159-162, 1983
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