Seventy-nine Romney ewes were allocated to high (H) or low (L) pasture allowances from 27 January. Half of each group (R) was joined with teaser rams on 9 February while the other half (I) remained isolated from rams until 10 March. R ewes exhibited oestrus 13 days earlier than the I ewes but there was no effect of nutrition. L ewes had fewer oestruses than H ewes (7 v9) and more abnormal oestrous intervals (16% v 7%). There was a negative relationship between number of oestruses and GGT levels and a positive relationship with live weight. There was no effect of teasing on the number of oestruses, thus R ewes returned to anoestrus 16 days earlier than I ewes. Similarly L ewes returned to anoestrus 20 days earlier than H ewes.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 43, , 7-12, 1983
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