
New Zealand is involved in the improvement of the Bali breed of cattle in Indonesia through a bilateral aid project. From 1977/82 significant improvement has been achieved in the Bali Cattle Development Project - 5 kg, 6 kg and 22 kg improvement in weaning, yearling and rising 2-year-old live weights respectively and 21% improvement in calving percentage. Establishment of a central breeding herd of elite Bali cows is planned with top performance and progeny tested bulls being made available to the local farmers through artificial breeding. The unique qualities of Bali cattle enhances its export potential throughout many tropical and subtropical countries of South-East Asia and the Pacific.

CW, Holmes, TP Hughes, CG King, PEL Sauwa, and PSA Auko

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 43, , 175-178, 1983
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