Four cows were fitted with unilateral temporary cannulae to both parotid and mandibular glands in an experiment designed to determine which salivary proteins were secreted by these glands. Parasympathomimetic stimulation produced a large salivary flow from the parotid gland (50.8 ml/min) with a relatively low protein concentration. Mandibular flow rates were lower, but the protein concentration was high giving a total protein of 1.3 mg/min. Sympathomimetic stimulation, during a parasympathomimetic booster, reduced the flow rates from both glands but increased the total protein output 7-fold from the parotid and 8-fold from the mandibular gland. Band 4 was the major protein secreted by the parotid gland while bands 3, 7 and 8 were the major bands secreted by the mandibular gland.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 44, , 67-70, 1984
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