
Ewes were inseminated in 1982 and 1983 at the second oestrus after synchronisation. They received fresh or frozen semen deposited once or twice, either into the cervix, blind in the vagina, onto the ovaries or into the uterine horn lumen. Very poor results occurred after ovarian insemination. More ewes lambed when inseminated with fresh compared to frozen semen, when inseminated twice rather than once, and for 1983, the ranking of insemination positions (best to worst) was intra-uterine, blind, cervix. Ewes lambing after insemination with frozen semen in 1982 produced fewer multiples than those inseminated with fresh semen. A single blind insemination of fresh semen gave a lambing rate (64%) only slightly lower than for cervical deposition (69%) and the intra-uterine technique performed well with both fresh and frozen sperm (83% and 38%, respectively). Both these techniques should be considered for artificial insemination.

JF, Smith

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 44, , 1-6, 1984
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