Lifetime performance data were collected from flocks of 200 mixed-age Romney, Coopworth and Perendale ewes at Whatawhata Hill Country Research Station which were shorn either once yearly in November or twice yearly in May and November beginning in 1978, together with the lifetime performance data of 2-year-old replacement ewes entering these flocks in 1979 and 1980. Twice-shorn ewes were consistently heavier after shearing in November with an apparent carryover effect the following May. More of the twice- shorn ewes required dagging before shearing in November. There was a significant frequency-of-shearing x breed interaction for both total greasy and total clean wool production. Twice-shorn Romney and Perendale ewes grew more wool than once-shorn ewes. Wool growth of the Romney was greater following shearing in May compared with the other 2 breeds. Frequency of shearing did not affect ewe survival, number of lambs born, lamb survival, or weight of lamb weaned per ewe. Incidence of casting was insignificant. Average net wool returns were greater for once-shorn ewes.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 45, , 213-216, 1985
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