A proposal for the development of a three-stage computer-based system for the acquisition and retrieval of disease and defect data for lambs slaughtered in export premises is described. Stage 1 is an extension of the existing manual ticketing and administrative routine. A slaughter-line computer keyboard would allow continuous collection of data on an individual flock basis, as well as significantly decreasing meat inspector, processor and information servicing workloads. The data base would also provide a statistical base for regulatory decisions and assist the processor's quality control programme. Stage 2 is a vertical integration of the inspection service with other agencies involved in the livestock production system. Long-term aims are promotion of producer efficiency and payment by quality. By accumulating both individual and regional flock health profiles, differential cost-effective processing and inspection programmes can be applied. Production and market-related disease and defect data has wide application as a commercial resource. Stage 3 is an integrated meat inspection system with a national disease and residue surveillance centre.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 47, , 69-71, 1987
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