
Mating records from Dairy Board files for 1984 were analysed. First inseminations with liquid semen were considered, and the effect of several factors on conception analysed. Conception was scored as 1 if a calving occurred 272 to 293d after insemination, and 0 if a calving occurred outside that interval. Only records from animals with a known calving date were included. The data were analysed by linear model techniques, with conception as a dependent variable. The factors contributing to variation in conception were (in order of declining importance): herd, technician, post-partum interval, service sire and age of cow. The R2 was 0.072 indicating that most of the variation is caused by binomial error.

AM, Nicol, NP Jay, and PR Beatson

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 48, , 33-36, 1988
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