
DairyMAN is a computerised dairy herd health and management program recently developed within the Department of Veterinary Clinical Services at Massey University. The program is designed to be a reproduction, health and production recording and analysis system for use on either annual or twice yearly seasonal calving dairy herds. It is intended that the program be used as a management aid for farmers, veterinarians and farm advisors. DairyMAN is able to accept data from a variety of different collection methods, for example the Livestock Improvement Division (LID) notebook, shed sheets, wall charts, mating wheels or formal diary systems. On most farms the current recording system needs minimal modification to accommodate the program. The type of information that may be entered into DairyMAN includes farm, herd and individual cow data. From these data the following reports may be generated: 1. Performance indicators 2. Diagnostic indicators 3. Management aids 4. Simple information collation The program is an example of the development of computer management aids which quickly and effectively analyse herd and farm performance and can target problem areas that need attention. The level of utilization of the program for a single farm will vary depending on the demands of the farmer, his advisor and his veterinarian. Their combined enthusiasm in the farm activities will encourage increased usage of this management aid.

KI, Lowe, ML Carter, and SN McCutcheon

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 48, , 95-98, 1988
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