
This study was carried out to examine the efficacy and safety of an injectable copper (Cu) preparation (Coprin; Cu-EDTA, Pittman-Moore Animal Health, NZ) in deer and sheep. Treatments consisted of an injection of Coprin at three dose rates on two occasions five weeks apart. Liver biopsy samples were taken one week before and one and four weeks after each injection and 22 weeks after the second injection. Approximately 75% of the dose was present in the livers of sheep one week after each injection. However, while over 90% of the dose was present in the livers of deer one week after the first injection, less than 65% of the second injected dose was present after one week. Total plasma Cu was elevated for one week after the second injection only, the increase being proportional to dose rate. Plasma activities of aspartate transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transferase and sorbitol dehydrogenase were transiently elevated after the second injection, although not sufficiently so to indicate a state of toxicity. The product was found to be effective for rapidly increasing the Cu concentration of the liver in both sheep and deer. There appeared to be no significant ill-effects in either sheep or deer at twice the recommended dose for sheep.

A, John, KE Kelly, BR Sinclair, and CSW Reid

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 48, , 247-248, 1988
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