
Genetic variation in the beta chain of haemoglobin (HBB) and the beta chain of follicle stimulating hormone (FSHB) was analysed for linkage with the Booroola F gene in large half-sib families or a backcross Romney x Booroola Merino flock where the Booroola F gene was segregating. The half-sib families were highly informative at the HBB locus with 6 of 7 sires heterozygous (AB) for the two alleles. Recombination between the HBB and F gene loci were observed in all six families and the F gene was significantly excluded from within 15 centimorgans (cM) of HBB. A cDNA probe for the FSHB gene detected an insertion/deletion polymorphism close to exon 3 of the gene. Recombination was observed in 4 pedigrees in the half-sib families and the backcross flock and the F gene was excluded from within 5 cM of the FSHB gene.

J, Sutton

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 50, , 373-374, 1990
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