
This paper backgrounds important features which are likely to influence the future of animal production in New Zealand. They include the importance of being in the quality market, consumer attitudes, market access and environmental/welfare concerns. In view of the changing perceptions about animal production, the place of technology in on-farm production needs to be carefully considered. Technologies can be defined as 'soft' or 'hard', the latter being those which introduce major perturbations into the system. The impact on the whole system is particularly important. The possibilities for genetic improvement are considered in detail. The soft technology approach is favoured in that it works with existing genetic variation but uses new technology approach is concerned mainly with the development of transgenic animals. Overall, developments in technology have much to contribute to the animal industries in New Zealand, but the importance of off-farm issues such as marketing, market access and product development are particularly critical. There is a need to take a broad view of animal production in considering the future.

AJ, Pearson, MG Ashby, and RJ MacGibbon

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 50, , 311-316, 1990
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