
Red deer stags received a series of immunisations against LHRH with the aim of suppressing the reduction in growth normally associated with the rut, but without affecting carcass fatness. Immunisations commenced at 10 months of age (September), including a series of either early (October) or late (November) booster immunisations. The immunisations produced antibodies to LHRH and delayed testes enlargement, with effects being greatest during summer (December- January). Liveweight changes were similar in the late booster and control groups. Mean liveweight declined during the rut (April and May) in all groups. However, stags that received the early booster were significantly heavier (P<0.05) than the other two groups in October (11 months old) and from February to October of the following year (15-23 months old). Twenty four hours prior to slaughter (October), mean (

RL, Baker

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 51, , 1-14, 1991
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