
Rising three year old Angus steers were fed on either ryegrass/subterranean clover pasture or a high grain ration (70% maize grain/ 30% pasture silage) for an adjustment period of 2 weeks and an experimental period of 12 weeks. Then cattle were slaughtered initially and 10 cattle from each treatment group were slaughtered after 6, 10 and 14 weeks. Cattle offered the high grain ration had feed intakes of up to 2.7% of bodyweight and over the 12 weeks experimental period average liveweight gains of 1.4 and 2.0 kg/d were achieved in the pasture and grain fed groups, respectively. Carcass weight increased from 316 kg to 363 kg in the pasture group and 406 kg in the grain fed group at final slaughter. Intramuscular (chemical) fat at the 12th rib increased from 13% to 23% and was not affected by diet. Levels of intramuscular fat were up to 38% and were similar to those reported for Japanese Wagyu beef. Lean meat colour was significantly brighter (P<0.001) as a result of grain feeding and the incidence of yellow fat was reduced.

SW, Howse, HT Blair, DJ Garrick, and WE Pomroy

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 52, , 57-60, 1992
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