
When they were weaned at five and a half months of age, 33 Angus heifers were randomly divided into two groups representing different planes of nutrition. From weaning until two months before calving which began on 15 July 1977 the liveweight difference between the two groups was steadily increased until the high plane group (HP) weighed 17 kg more than the low plane group (LP) on 17 May 1977. From then until calving the high plane group was fed to maintain constant liveweight, while the low plane group was fed to gain liveweight at the rate of 0.3 kg/day. When calving began both groups weighed the same average liveweight (415 kg). Calf birth weight was affected by nutritional treatment (HP 26.2

JF, Smith, and J Parr

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 52, , 257-260, 1992
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