
The effect of nutritional management of Angora goats on fibre production and fibre quality was investigated over two years. After shearing in August, does were fed either maintenance (MPA) or ad libitum (HPA ryegrass/white clover pasture (approximately 1.0 kg and >4kg DM/head/day respectively). In October half the does were removed from each allowance group and introduced into the alternate allowance group. This was repeated in early February, allowance groups being balanced for their previous allowance history. Fleece weights were recorded at shearing in February and August. Fibre diameter, medullation and kemp levels were measured at shearing in February and August and also in October and May. Doe live weights were recorded monthly and when fleece measurements were made. After one year of measurements, does were completely randomised onto new pasture allowances and the experiment was repeated. Nutritional treatments generated liveweight differences between HPA and MPA does throughout the year (P<0.05). February fleece weights were similar in both HPA and MPA groups in 1990 (1.73 vs 1.67; s.e.d 0.067 kg for HPA vs MPA respectively) and in 1991 (1.43 vs 1.41; s.e.d 0.060 kg for HPA vs MPA respectively) though approximately 25% lower than in 1990. August fleece weights were similar in 1990 and 1991 but were approximately 20% higher in HPA does than in MPA does (1.46 vs 1.26; s.e.d 0.051 kg for HPA vs MPA respectively in 1990 and 1.49 vs 1.20; s.e.d 0.040 kg for HPA vs MPA respectively in 1991). Increased August fleece weight was associated with increased fibre diameter (34.9 vs 32.7; s.e.d 0.52

PD, Muir, GJ Cruickshank, GJ Wallace, KS MacLean, and NB Smith

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 52, , 247-250, 1992
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