
Seasonal wool growth pattern, colour variation and associated wool characteristics were measured in a fleece weight selected (HFW) and its control (RC) flocks. Both flocks had a significant (p<0.01) decline in wool growth rate in winter compared with summer. The HFW advantage over RC averaged 19% and 33% for ewes, 24% and 36% for hoggets, in summer and winter respectively. Yield and fibre diameter patterns were closely associated with wool growth. There were no flock differences in either brightness or yellowness, however both Y and Z tritimulus values were lower in spring and summer while yellowness was higher in summer than other seasons. The results suggest that selection for HFW reduces the relative winter wool growth decline compared with RC.

M, Anwar, RG Keogh, and MF McDonald

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 53, , 303-305, 1993
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