Birth and weaning weights, liveweight gain, wool weights and characteristics, and animal health were recorded on 214 ram lambs consisting of about equal numbers of Awassi and Texel cross Romney, Coopworth and Dorset ram lambs. Changes in blood GGT concentrations were also measured in Awassi x Coopworth and Romney ram lambs following dosing with sporidesmin. Pre- and post-weaning growth rates of Awassi crossbreds were lower (P<0.001) than Texel crossbreds. Awassi crossbreds had a higher incidence of footscald and higher (P<0.05) strongyloid egg counts in their faeces in May. After dosing with sporidesmin blood GGT concentrations were higher (P<0.001) in Awassi x Coopworth than Romney ram lambs. Awassi crossbreds had lower (P<0.001) fleece weights and wool quality than Texel crossbreds.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 54, , 247-250, 1994
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