Seventy-six 6 month old Coopworth ram lambs were scanned with ultrasound for muscle depth B, fat depth C and tissue depth GR. Lambs were slaughtered, then B, C and GR measured directly on each carcass. The hindquarters (loin and hind legs) of each carcass were boned out and soft tissue minced then analysed for lipid and protein content. From these, hindquarter adipose and muscle weights were estimated. Correlations of estimated tissue weights with ultrasound measurements were consistently higher than those with direct measurements (averaging 0.423 versus 0.293, respectively). The latter method may be more prone to measurement errors associated with displacement, damage or distortion of tissue or positioning of the measurement site. It is concluded that ultrasound measurements may be better than those made directly on the carcass for predicting tissue weights.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 54, , 215-218, 1994
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