
The progeny testing of 12 Romney rams from a family in the Woodlands high prolificacy flock provided an opportunity to improve the 88% lambing percentage from the 3200 ewe flock on a Southland farm. Over four years, ewes with the Inverdale gene averaged an extra 35 lambs weaned per 100 ewes jointed. The little size averaged 2.38 for Inverdale ewes, with 11% having singles, 45% twins, 39% triplets and 5% quadruplets. More than 80% of Inverdale ewes reared>lamb, and the second generation Inverdale ewes reared larger and more lively lambs. Weaning weights at 12 weeks of age averaged 22kg, which, due to the large number of lambs reared as multiples, was lighter than the commercial flock. However, by eight months of age Inverdale and commercial hogget weights were similar. High feeding levels during lactation have been critical to the success of the Inverdale flock.

AJ, Gray, and GH Davis

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 55, , 294-295, 1995
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