The influence of season on the composition of milk from approximately 200 Beta-lactoglobulin (B-LG) AA and 200 B-lactoglobulin BB phenotype cows was determined for the 1992/93 and 1993/94 seasons. Marked seasonal fluctuations were observed in all components measured: protein, casein, whey protein, ash, lactose, alpha-lactalbumin, B-LG, alpha/s- casein, Beta-casein, k-casein (k-CN), bovine serum albumin, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphate. Significant differences in composition were observed between the AA and BB phenotype milks, with the Beta-LG BB phenotype milk containing more total protein, casein, fat, and total solids, whereas the Beta-LG AA phenotype milk contained more whey protein, Beta-LG, and had a higher ratio of Beta- LG to k-CN. Such differences in composition could have a marked effect on the physicochemical characteristics of these milks. The higher concentration of casein found in the Betal-lactogloblin BB type milk should make this milk type more suitable for the manufacture of cheese and casein.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 55, , 50-53, 1995
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