
Maternal Behaviour Score (MBS) has previously been positively associated with lamb weaning weight. This study further investigated the effects of MBS and other ewe behaviours on the growth rate of 111 Scottish Blackface lambs to weaning. Four variables which had a significant effect on growth rate in a stepwise regression analysis were: birthweight (p<0.05), pre-lambing and early post-lambing ewe liveweights (p<0.001) and MBS (p<0.05). The relationship between MBS and lamb growth rate was not linear. An increase in MBS from 2 to 3 was associated with the greatest increase (10%) in growth rate. MBS was correlated to the frequency of ewe calling (p<0.01) and ewe head up, alert posture (p<0.01) observed during undisturbed field interactions. These behaviours are used to maintain contact between the ewe and lamb, and are indicators of ewe awareness. Therefore, MBS is a good indicator not only of lamb growth but also of the strength of the pre-weaning ewe-lamb relationship.

CE, O'Connor

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 56, , 107-109, 1996
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