Lamb and hogget liveweight gains from five different white clover/ryegrass mixtures were compared at AgResearch, Gore from 1992-1995. The mixtures involved comparisons between white clover cultivars (Huia and Demand), ryegrass endophyte types (endophyte-free and 187BB which produces no lolitrem B) and ryegrass species (Marsden and Greenstone hybrid ryegrasses and Pacific perennial ryegrass). Averaged over 3 years, Marsden/Demand produced significantly greater lamb growth rates and final carcass weights (15.0 cf. 14.1 kg) compared with Marsden/Huia pastures. The advantage in lamb production from Demand based pastures was directly linked to the higher yields of white clover.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 57, , 182-185, 1997
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