
Postpartum anovulatory anoestrus is a mjor form of infertility among cows in dairy herds inNew Zealand. The currently recommended treatment involves a 5-day prim-ing with progersterone (P4) released from a CIDR TM device (InterAg, NZ), with a 10 mg gelatin of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) and 1 g lactose capsule (CIDR TM; InterAg, NZ) placed in the grooved surface of the device preceding device insertion, and an injection of ODB (CIDIROLTM ; InterAg, NZ) given intramuscularly at 24 to 48h following device removal.

VK, Taufa, KL Macmillan, DP Nation, AM Day, and MJ Ashcroft

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 57, , 241, 1997
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