Wool bulk is one of six key characteristics that describe processing performance and the final potential of wool products and is largely influenced by fibre crimp and fibre diameter. Measurements of seasonal variation in wool growth, and fibre and follicle characteristics associated with wool bulk were made over 19 months in Perendale ewes within lines selected for or against wool bulk to assess their potential impact on processing performance. Wool growth rate, mean fibre diameter, mean follicle depth and follicle activity displayed a minimum value in July and a maximum in December-January. Mean fibre curvature and follicle curvature grade had an opposing seasonal trend with a maximum in winter and a minimum in summer. The opposing seasonal cycles for fibre curvature and fibre diameter, compensated each other across seasons with no change in the expression of wool bulk throughout the year.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 57, , 61-64, 1997
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