
Four treatment groups of 10 Holstein-Friesian cows were established at the DRC No. 2 dairy in the spring, summer and autumn of 1996/97 to test the efficacy of providing urea, soybean meal or fishmeal supplement to overcome the protein deficiency that occurs when cows are supplemented with large amounts of maize silage. Pasture allowance was manipulated to achieve an average pasture dry matter (DM) intake of 6.6kg/cow/day for each group. Treatment groups were supplemented with 75 MJ ME/cow/day as either 7.0kg DM of maize silage, 7.0kg DM of maize silage plus 90g of urea, 5.2kg DM of maize silage plus 1.4kg DM of soybean meal, or 5.8kg DM of maize silage plus 1.0kg DM of fish meal. The addition of urea as a source of non-protein nitrogen had no effect on milk, milkfat or milk protein production. Soybean meal increased milk protein production by 0.06kg/cow/day in both summer and autumn (P<0.01). Fishmeal increased milkfat production by 0.07 (P<0.01) and 0.08kg/cow/day (P<0.05) in summer and autumn and increased milk protein by 0.06 (P<0.01), 0.10 (P<0.01) and 0.08kg/cow/day (P<0.001) in spring, summer and autumn, respectively.

KA, MacDonald, JW Penno, ES Kolver, WAC Carter, and JAS Lancaster

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 58, , 102-105, 1998
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