
Wool growth rate was estimated for a total of 525 Romney ewes born in 1991 and 1992 between 5 and 28 months of age. Both year born groups contained sheep from three flocks selected over an extended period for increased hogget fleece weight and their respective Control flock. One flock was located in the Waikato, one in Southland and one split between the two locations. Following adjustment for live weight the seasonality of wool growth rate in Southland was significantly greater than in the Waikato reflecting the sensitivity of Romney sheep in recognising small changes in the length of daylight between the two locations. Selection for increased hogget fleece weight resulted in a greater increase in relative wool growth rate during the winter than during the summer.

RMW, Sumner, T Wuliji, JL Dobbie, RN Andrews, and MP Upsdell

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 58, , 270-273, 1998
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