
These experiments aimed to compare milk production in spring and autumn from perennial ryegrass pastures containing either low (L) (<10%) or high (H) levels of endophyte infection at two pasture allowances. In October 1997 milk yield was higher (P<0.05) from L compared with H endophyte (15.1 v 14.4 kg/cow/day), similarly for fat yield (0.95 v 0.9 kg/cow/day), and milksolids (MS) (1.53 v 1.46 kg/cow/day), but not protein yield. In October 1998 there was no effect of endophyte level on milk, fat, protein and MS yield. In March 1998 milk yield was higher (P<0.001) from H compared to L endophyte (8.5 v 7.4 kg/cow/day), similarly for fat yield (0.53 v 0.48 kg/cow/day), protein yield (0.35 v 0.34 kg/cow/day) and MS yield (0.89 v 0.81 kg/cow/day). No carryover effects were recorded on milk yield or composition in any period.

DA, Clark, ER Thom, CD Waugh, and VT Burggraaf

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 59, , 258-262, 1999
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