These experiments aimed to compare milk production in spring and autumn from perennial ryegrass pastures containing either low (L) (<10%) or high (H) levels of endophyte infection at two pasture allowances. In October 1997 milk yield was higher (P<0.05) from L compared with H endophyte (15.1 v 14.4 kg/cow/day), similarly for fat yield (0.95 v 0.9 kg/cow/day), and milksolids (MS) (1.53 v 1.46 kg/cow/day), but not protein yield. In October 1998 there was no effect of endophyte level on milk, fat, protein and MS yield. In March 1998 milk yield was higher (P<0.001) from H compared to L endophyte (8.5 v 7.4 kg/cow/day), similarly for fat yield (0.53 v 0.48 kg/cow/day), protein yield (0.35 v 0.34 kg/cow/day) and MS yield (0.89 v 0.81 kg/cow/day). No carryover effects were recorded on milk yield or composition in any period.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 59, , 258-262, 1999
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