Variation in lamb loses between scanning and docking were investigated in 1997 in a survey and an on farm study. Ultrasonography results on MA ewes showed a range from 130 to 191% foetuses scanned/ewes present. Ewe weights at joining ranged from 54 to 70 kg. Survival of multiple and single was 78%, and 92% respectively. Differences between scanning and docking comprised 21% ewe deaths, 49% dead lambs and 30% missing /unseen. Paddock docking results were 157% to 188% for ewes with 2 lambs and from 90% to 109% for 1 lamb. Paddocks were assessed on the basis of slope, aspect, shelter, hazards and disturbance. Lack of shelter on easy contours, disturbance and steep slopes appeared to exacerbate lamb deaths. Adverse weather was not a factor in the year of this study.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 59, , 73-75, 1999
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