The Reporter/Directorcontrols the story line and ‘angle’ (direction) the story will follow. They question the ‘talent’ (the scientist) and decide on what ‘shots’ (pictures) will be used to illustrate the words in consultation with director of photography. The Director of Photography/Camera Operatorwill make sure you are in focus, set up the framing of the picture and lighting and control the picture quality. The Sound Operatorwill capture all the sound, from interviews to lambs bleating and computers that go ‘bing’. The sound operator controls sound quality - they don’t like airport flight paths or lawnmowers! These people are mostly ‘freelancers’. That is, they usually don’t work for the actual film/production company. The standard filming day is 10 hours plus a 45-minute lunch break. Many of them like coffee and most smoke.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 61, Christchurch, 86, 2001
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