
The objective of this study was to measure during mid lactation the effect of live weight on the metabolisable energy intake by cows in two lines of Holstein-Friesians selected for heavy or light mature live weight. Yields of milksolids and intakes of dry matter were estimated during two 3-day faeces collection periods. Live weights were measured once in each period. Intakes of pasture dry matter by individual cows were estimated using the alkane technique. Least-square means for live weight, daily yield of milksolids, intakes of dry matter, intakes of metabolisable energy and feed-conversion efficiency for the heavy and the light line were obtained. Linear regression coefficients of metabolisable energy intake on metabolic live weight and yield of milksolids were obtained. Mean values were 15.0 vs. 15.3 kg of dry matter eaten/cow daily, 532 and 488 kg live weight, 1.58 and 1.55 kg milksolids/cow daily, and 108 and 106 g milksolids/kg of dry matter eaten, for the heavy and the light line respectively. The partial regression coefficient of metabolisable energy intake on metabolic live weight was 0.65 MJME/kg LW 0.75 for both lines, similar to commonly reported values. Both lines had similar feed-conversion efficiencies. These data, from 73 grazing cows, generally support other data, and show that live weight does affect maintenance requirements as expected for cows in the heavy and light live weight lines. But they disagree with previous data because the heavy cows did not have higher intakes.

MX, Tolosa, A Caicedo-Caldas, CW Holmes, and N Lopez-Villalobos

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 61, Christchurch, 221-223, 2001
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