
Data are presented from several studies carried out by AgResearch and Massey University describing scenarios that affect the Cu status of grazing cattle. In all these studies, complex interactions between Cu, Fe, Mo and S make it difficult to predict Cu status. Increasing pasture Mo reduced percent absorption of dietary Cu in sheep by half (from 4.6% down to 2.6%). In contrast, the Cu kinetics in cattle could not be similarly simplified, so more sophisticated modelling calculations need to be applied. Even with moderate Mo intake (i.e. from pasture 0.8 mg Mo/kg DM), liver Cu content was quickly depleted in the cattle, reaching a low but stable level of 8 mg Cu/kg DM that appears to be a Mo-insensitive liver Cu store. In other trials, various Cu supplementation strategies have produced considerable but unexpected responses in liver Cu content. The risks and benefits of using liver Cu concentrations as an index of Cu status, and whether a multi-variable approach using tissue biomarkers, animal physiology, diet composition, and time of exposure is what is required to accurately predict the future Cu status for cattle are discussed.

J, Lee, SO Knowles, and DM West

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 62, Palmerston North, 319-324, 2002
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