
Trans-cervical artificial insemination (AI) in farmed deer has emerged as a highly successful reproductive tool that can rapidly increase rates of genetic gain in farmed deer. Conception rates in excess of 70% are confidently achieved if all aspects of a simple programming prescription are followed. Hind nutrition, attention to hygiene and reducing individual animal and herd stress levels appear to be key factors, over and above that of semen quality and insemination skills. Many factors cumulatively affect success or failure within the typical eight week breeding season. Combinations of care and attention to detail are essential. This paper considers the interplay of these factors in advising choices made that underpin a successful trans-cervical AI programme based on commercial experiences.

L, Rhodes, AJT Pearse, and GW Asher

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 63, Queenstown, 258-261, 2003
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